Lewis Then and Now

How and when did you start playing?
Age 8/9 (with a 12 year gap). Sister started playing clarinet in a marching show band and I wanted to join in so gave trumpet a go.
How many bands have you played with?
About 3, primarily orchestral playing growing up.
What is your favourite piece for brass band?
Stal Himmel
What would your autobiography be called?
Based on my current seat: "The squeaky one at the back"
What superpower would you like to have and why?
Shape-shifter - morph in to Peter Roberts before every concert!
If you won a million pounds on the lottery what would your very first thought be?
That's the kids sorted.
If you could be any animal, what would you be?
Sloth. Take it easy, and daughter loves them.
Where in the world would you still like to visit?
Italy. A modest ambition but didn't travel at all before starting a family.
What is your favourite film or TV series?
The Matrix, most James Bond and Friends!
What are your favourite things to do/hobbies?
After playing cornet I love playing games with the kids and watching/taxi'ing for their hobbies and clubs.